Individualised literacy and numeracy programmes. Our tamariki achieve well in these areas
Specialist science programme
Play-based learning sessions for juniors
Music and arts
Quality technology to enhance learning
A range of modern sports equipment
Assistance is available for tamariki who need learning and/or behaviour support
Targeted funding to support tamariki with specific talents or passions
Open water safety skills
Garden to Table programme
We are an Enviroschool
Connections with our local environment eg planting in Smith's Creek, water testing
Large, well-equipped, warm classrooms
Well-stocked library featuring open every day at break times
Adventure playground with tree huts, climbing equipment, and sensory play
Tennis court and grass areas for a range of outdoor learning and play opportunities
A multi-purpose space with cooking, technology, and science capabilities as well as being available to the community for group use.
Outdoor showers to support our open water skills programme
Pizza oven
On-site gardens, berry bushes and fruit trees, shade house and hot house with wifi-activated watering systems


Kia ora, I am Louise, the New Entrant to Year 3 kaiako/teacher at Broad Bay School. One of my passions is providing a safe and positive learning environment so tamariki/children can take risks in their learning, embrace their mistakes, and persevere to learn and grow. Our programme supports a smooth transition to school from an early childhood setting.
We offer a fantastic transition to school at Broad Bay School. We have a close relationship with local Kindergartens and Early Childhood Centres to ensure we build on the skills developed in their early years. Our junior teacher has release time available to meet your child in their own learning setting.
The day is split up into a mixture of structured learning time and play-based learning.
Small class sizes mean our tamariki get plenty of 1-1 teacher time.
We utilise the Science of Reading in our literacy programme to ensure our teaching is evidence-based.
Tuakana/teina relationships are formed with the senior tamariki.
Focus on fostering key competencies eg managing self, and relating to others.
Creative, hands-on learning is encouraged.
The enrolment process can start anytime for any year group or age.
Communication is key for us. Please let us know your child's needs.
In the six weeks before your child turns five, they will be invited to join the junior class for visits from 9:00 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. on a mutually agreeable day. This will help your child to learn the school routine, build an understanding of expectations, and start to develop friendships. You are welcome to stay for a cup of tea in the staff room while they have their visit, and if they are comfortable, your child can stay on for morning tea from 10:45 - 11:15 a.m. to play with the other tamariki.

YEARS 7 & 8

As a full primary school, we offer a local alternative to the larger intermediate schools in town. Our senior tamariki have a special leadership role within the school as mentors and role models to the younger tamariki.
I like how the school felt like a big family and offered many opportunities for learning new skills like skiing and sailing
James Hurley - Age 12
Our small class sizes mean our tamariki receive more 1-1 time with their teacher than they do at an intermediate school.
We know all of our ākonga/learners individually and have a strong understanding of their next steps and goals in their education.
Our Year 7 & 8 tamariki achieve well when compared to results across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Many of our tamariki benefit from 'staying children for longer' - they don't feel the pressure to grow up quickly at Broad Bay School.
We ensure our Year 7 & 8s don't miss out on additional opportunities that are available at larger schools.
High school principals have commented positively about the special quality of the tamariki who come to them from Broad Bay School, and recent visitors have remarked on the true feeling of love and whānau within the school.
We know Year 7 & 8 tamariki have particular developmental needs as emerging adolescents. Our senior programme is tailored to meet these needs and provide our students with many of the opportunities they would have at an intermediate while maintaining the wonderful aspects of primary schooling.
Passion project funding
Tuakana/leadership development
Inter-school events and competitions
Environment initiatives
Annual ski trip
Senior common room
Sailing programme
Technology modules at DNI

We accept new enrolments at any year level including Years 7 & 8.
If you think a small ratio, tailored senior programme might be a good choice for your child in their final years of primary education, please get in touch.